kin•dom campfire chats

Episode 3 - Why I Love Camp!

February 14, 2024 kin•dom Season 1 Episode 3
Episode 3 - Why I Love Camp!
kin•dom campfire chats
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kin•dom campfire chats
Episode 3 - Why I Love Camp!
Feb 14, 2024 Season 1 Episode 3

In kin•dom campfire chats, we asked camp participants to think of a question that they wish someone would ask them about their life journey. With a friend and in their own words, the campers tell their stories of struggle, love, support, and a community found. 

Episode 3:
Camper 1 - 13 yo - She/They
Camper 2 - 12 yo - He/Him

One camper tells why they love kin•dom camp!
"Going somewhere where you are included and you feel safe is very important and there aren't many camps...that isn't just a Christian camp or a conversion camp."

Find out more about us by visiting our website, There you can find information about kin•dom camp and consider supporting our work with a one-time or recurring donation. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram @kindomcommunity to keep up with all the important information.

Show Notes Transcript

In kin•dom campfire chats, we asked camp participants to think of a question that they wish someone would ask them about their life journey. With a friend and in their own words, the campers tell their stories of struggle, love, support, and a community found. 

Episode 3:
Camper 1 - 13 yo - She/They
Camper 2 - 12 yo - He/Him

One camper tells why they love kin•dom camp!
"Going somewhere where you are included and you feel safe is very important and there aren't many camps...that isn't just a Christian camp or a conversion camp."

Find out more about us by visiting our website, There you can find information about kin•dom camp and consider supporting our work with a one-time or recurring donation. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram @kindomcommunity to keep up with all the important information.

music  0:00  
[Andy strumming guitar & Baylee's voice singing: "Oh let's build, let's build a place we can go"] 

Narrator  0:09  
Thank you for tuning in to kin•dom campfire chats, a podcast of kin•dom community. This podcast features the voices of LGBTQIA+ persons, both youth participants and adult staff, who attended kin•dom camp in Texas in the summer of 2023. We asked the camp participants to think of a question that they wish someone would ask them about their life journey. With a friend and in their own words, the campers tell their stories of struggle, love, support, and a community found. We invite you to listen with an open mind and an open heart. 

music  0:50  
[Andy strumming guitar & Baylee's voice singing: "This is the place”] 

speaker 1  0:55  
Why do you enjoy attending kin•dom– er, camp kin•dom, and how did you find out about the camp? 

speaker 2  1:01  
Um, so the– I found out about the camp through my mom. I don't really know how she found out, but I do go to like a supportive church. So I'm guessing that they may have had posters up, or something like that, because it was the first year so it's not like anybody had attended it previously. And what I just love about going to kin•dom camp every year, is how it's filled with so many people like me, and how you still get to do regular camp activities that other camps do, but you're surrounded by people like you and you feel more welcome and you feel more like in peace and that you fit in and you're not, you know, cuckoo. And I just love how the staff and the campers here are like, always make sure that you're okay, anytime that like I might feel upset, my friends will always like, give me a hug whenever I miss home. And I love just like the scheduling of how everything seems so organized, and how I don't have to like worry about getting lost in like the schedule and not doing something that I don't want to do, because of all of the amazing and fun activities that they provide. And I feel like going somewhere where you are included, and you feel safe is very important. And I feel like there aren't many camps, especially in this state that we live in because of this, like, you know, the decisions that are made by people, and so it is amazing to find a camp, especially sleepaway camp, that isn't just an average Christian camp, or, you know, a camp– a conversion camp, even. It's a camp where you can be yourself and be safe, and feel loved, and feel support, and feel connections with people. You meet so many different kinds of people, but they're still just like you. And I think it's so magical how I get to like, wake up the morning of the week of camp, and I get to see, like my friends in the cabin, and I get to like talk to them, and we go eat breakfast, and we spend some– and we do some activities, and we go to lunch. And it's just so– it's kind of like having a sleepover with your best friends every single night for a week. And getting to like, do so many fun activities. And I think it's amazing. And there's so many supportive people here. And I love like the little jokes that we'll make, and the stuff that we'll say. Little jokes, even those jokes that staff will make, and we'll like joke around with our counselors and it'll be so funny. And I just love it so much. 

speaker 1  4:22  
So follow up question. Would you say it feels like a sense of community?

speaker 2  4:27  
It does, it almost feels like a home away from home. It's where I can come and like not have to worry and not have to feel anxiety about who I am. And it's a safe, welcoming community for allies and people of color who are also queer and trans. And I think it's amazing. Even if you are not a part of the LGBTQIA community, you can still come as an ally. And it's so amazing to see these people who still support. 

speaker 1  5:06  
That's great. I love that. 

music  5:08  
[Andy strumming guitar & Baylee's voice singing: "Oh let's build, let's build a place we can go”]  

Thank you for listening to kin•dom campfire chats. This podcast is a production of kin•dom community. You can find out more about kin•dom community by going to or by searching kin•dom community on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.  

Baylee  5:44  
Hi y'all, it's Baylee. I'm the Creative Director of kin•dom community.  

Andy  5:49  
And I'm Andy, the Program Director of kin•dom community.

John  5:53  
I'm John, the executive director of kin•dom community.

Baylee  5:56  
We wanted to talk a little bit more about kin•dom camp and how you can get involved.

Andy  6:01  
in youth camp is an opportunity for LGBTQIA+ youth ages 12 to 17. To feel safe and free to show up as their full selves. Campers will have the chance to experience all the fun that camp has to offer in a week filled with affirmation, community, and celebration. This camp is intentionally created to be affirming space. It affirms all genders, sexualities, identities, and varieties of belief. The only thing we expect is a commitment to welcoming and celebrating everyone where they are as they are.

Baylee  6:30  
And this isn't just any summer camp - we're talking rainbows and glitter everywhere. kin•dom camp will include funding of traditional camp activities and recreation, plus some specialized programming to incorporate activities and conversations around mental health, yoga, embodiment, and LGBTQIA+ history and culture. Now more than ever, LGBTQ youth are in need of unconditional love and acceptance. kin•dom camp is a space for just that.

John  7:00  
We're always looking for fully affirming, welcoming, and loving adults to help us make kin•dom camp a success. This will be a wonderful opportunity to connect with, mentor, and learn from our youth. But most importantly, we ask that you are ready to celebrate everyone where they are as they are.

Andy  7:19  
Both registration for campers and applications to be on camp staff are now open. You can find these links on our website If you have any questions you can't find the answers to, you can email me at

Baylee  7:34  
Also, be sure to check us out on socials @kindomcommunity on Instagram and Facebook. We post all of our important announcements and fun camp moments, so you'll want to follow along.

John  7:46  
Thanks for listening to kin•dom campfire chats. We are proud to be a safe space for these campers, and we are even more proud of them for sharing their stories. We hope you'll keep gathering around the campfire with us as we celebrate all of the stories that make us this kin•dom community.

music  8:03  
[Andy strumming guitar & Baylee's voice singing: "Oh let's build..."] 

Transcribed by